A 3D Computer Bible Adventure Game For PC & MAC

Based on the Book of Acts


The Missionary Journeys of Paul is an open world multi-player RPG played across many different and varying Biblical locations around the Mediterranean Sea.  The player is surrounded by New Testament Biblical Characters like Paul, John Mark, Barnabas, etc. and has to learn a variety of different skills in conjunction with other players in order to help Paul complete his missionary journeys.

Player Character: Setup your race, stats, and classes and how you want characters to look like.

Skills: A fully featured skill system which allows you to open up skills when players level up with XP and/or level up their skill by using it like the old UO style gameplay.

Abilities: Different abilities that can get when you learn certain skills. You can use these abilities in a wide range of ways from evangelism to crafting to professions.

Crafting System: Crafting recipes up to 16 ingredients with crafting skills required for specific recipe along with crafting station. Looking at supporting grid based crafting or crafting book with experience based option.

Merchant Tables: NPC merchants their stock to players

Currencies:  Currencies that can be also automatically converted by changing for example 100 copper into 1 silver.

Build System: Claim a right to some land, build houses, farms, trading posts, synagogues and churches.

Resource  System: Gather-able resources like a pile of rocks, plants, trees, fishing ponds and  rewards for gathering them.

Weather System: Real world with full day & night cycle including fully featured weather conditions like rain ans sunshine .

Pets  System:  Acquire Pets like dogs, cats and sheep to follow you around

Race system: Play as a Roman, or Israelite or as Egyptian.

Mail System: Allows you to send messages directly to other players. You can attach items or currency as well.

Mounts: Saddle your horse or donkey, which can give additional speed

Guilds: Create a guild,  manage members list (roster), assign roles, promote/demote

Grouping: Group your players for roman arenas, dungeons or to just adventure in the world and complete more challenges quests. Promote leader or even kick unwanted players out of your group

Inventory System: Manage your items and bags, expand your storage by using banker or built chests or storehouses.  View equipped items and their statistics with visually presented popups with items comparison.

In Game Chat: Different Channels like: whisper, group, guild, collaboration, and worldwide with linkable abilities and items with a popup on hovers like in most MMO games and resizeable chatbox allows you to handle messages with easy.

The Story:

Acts 13:4-14:28 – So Barnabas and Paul went down from Syrian Antioch to Seleucia and from there sailed off to Cyprus. On their arrival at Salamis they began to proclaim God’s message in the Jewish synagogues, having John (Mark) as their assistant.

As they made their way through the island as far as Paphos they came across a man named Bar-Jesus, a Jew who was both a false prophet and a magician. This man was attached to Sergius Paulus, the proconsul (or Roman governor of the island province of Cyprus), who was himself a man of intelligence. (Barnabas and Paul are summoned before Sergius, clash with Bar-Jesus, and Sergius Paulus becomes a believer.)

The Concept Art For Our New Testament RPG Series:


Multi-Player Login Screen from Original Proof Of Concept Game:

Select the Bible Character You Would Like to Play in the Game Lobby

Player Selects Paul Character

Peter Says Farewell to Paul as he Begins his First Missionary Journey

​Barnabas Looking Out over the Sea

Paul Exploring the Island of Cypress

As they made their way through the island as far as Paphos they came across a man named Bar-Jesus, a Jew who was both a false prophet and a magician.  This man was attached to Sergius Paulus, the proconsul (Roman governor of the island province of Cyprus), who was himself a man of intelligence. Barnabas and Paul are summoned before Sergius, clash with Bar-Jesus, and Sergius Paulus becomes a believer.  Visiting The Palace of Sergius Paulus, the Proconsul (Roman governor of the island province of Cyprus):

Barnabas and Paul then sail to Asia Minor and continue on to Galatia. Galatia – A large Roman province in Asia Minor, extending almost from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean through the mountains and plains of modern central Turkey. Settled by Gauls from central Asia in the 3rd century BC, Galatia included the Phrygian town of Pisidian Antioch; not to be confused with Syrian Antioch. Travelling to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe, and the surrounding countryside. Paul and his companions set sail from Paphos and went to Perga in Pamphylia. There John (Mark) left them and turned back to Jerusalem, but they continued their journey through Perga to the Antioch in Pisidia. They went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and took their seats. (On this occasion the Gospel of Jesus is well received. A week later it is rejected and Paul and Barnabas are expelled from the district and went on to Iconium. And the disciples continued to be full of joy and the Holy Spirit. Much the same thing happened at Iconium. But when a hostile movement arose from both Gentiles and Jews in collaboration with the authorities to insult and stone them, they got to know about it, fled to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding countryside – and from there they continued to proclaim the Gospel.

Then some Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium and after turning the minds of the people against Paul they stoned him and dragged him out of the city thinking he was dead. But while the disciples were gathered in a circle round him, Paul got up and walked back to the city. And the very next day he went out with Barnabas to Derbe, and when they had preached the Gospel to that city and made many disciples, they turned back to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch. They then crossed Pisidia and arrived in Pamphylia. They proclaimed their message in Perga and then went down to Attalia. From there they sailed back to Antioch (in Syria). When they arrived there they called the Church together and reported to them how greatly God had worked with them and how he had opened the door of faith for the Gentiles. And here at Antioch they spent a considerable time with the disciples.

See how we are making the PC Based RPG Game:

Many of our customers have asked us how we are creating the Missionary Journeys of Paul so here is some insights into  some of the things we have done so far to build the game.  Our primary goal was to create a 3D Computer Based Role Playing Game (RPG) that is both visually appealing and also accurate to the Biblical account of Paul’s Missionary Journeys found in the book of ACTS.  We began developing the game using the Unity 3D Game Engine back in 2014.  We are  now in the process of deciding whether to port the current game into Unreal Engine 5 to get better multiplayer performance.  If we port the game to Unreal Engine 5,  it will add additional cost to our game and extend our game development schedule.

We started off by creating a custom high quality 3D Apostle Paul character model   We then added many other Biblical Era 3D Models as primary 3D Character models for the game.  We then created lots of  AD 30 Era UMA clothing models for the  many different non-player character (NPC) models  so we could fill the many villages with people.  We have also been working on different game levels for important historical sites like Jerusalem and Herod’s Temple & Palace.

Designing & Creating the 3D Female Character Clothing

Designing & Creating the various 3D Female Character dresses

Creating the Robes for the Male Characters

Designing & Creating a 3D robe set for the Male Characters

Non-Player Character Models

The Completed Apostle Paul 3D Character Model



John Mark

Bar jesus

Roman Soldier that Accompanies Paul to Rome

Sergius Paulus, the Proconsul Roman G​overnor of the Island Province of Cyprus

Sample Game Play – Exploring the Surrounding Villages

Paul’s First Missionary Journey Teaser Video

Special thanks to Gordon Smith for his Nautical Research that contributed to the historical accuracy of this Series of 3D Bible Adventure Games.

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