Archive for year: 2017
BibleByte Books Published Kris Murray’s Exodus: God of the Slaves Historical Christian Novel
/in Event/by BibleByteBibleByte Books published Kris Murray’s ‘ Exodus: God of the Slaves Historical Christian Novel on March 11, 2017. The book is available in bookstores like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It is also available as an e-book on Amazon Kindle. You can purchase the novel as part of the Exodus Adventure Game Development bundle here. You can follow Kris Murray’s Game Developer log and historic novel updates at his Facebook page here.
Story: A new god comes to Egypt and sends his emissary ahead of him. A declaration of war is made that shakes the Egyptian pantheon to its core. Four young Egyptian soldiers witness the wonder as disaster upon disaster befall their homeland. Follow Yalu, Nebit, Badru, and Tau as they experience the plagues on Egypt for themselves. Yalu, a natural leader tries to survive as he attempts to overcome his past. Nebit carves out her own path with her daggers, leaving deception in her wake. Apprenticed to Pharaoh’s chief magician, Badru attempts to make sense of the battle that rages on above their heads. Tau fights on to win glory and honor for himself. How will they respond as the statues of the gods they’ve known all their lives crumble to the ground all around them? Feel how the Egyptians felt as war rages across their pantheon. Relive the familiar Exodus story set in the exotic land of Egypt from a fresh new perspective. Rediscover the wonders and signs from God of the Slaves.
- The book invites you into the story through the intimacy of the characters who live it out.- – Pastor Chuck Gaines, Historian and Theologian
- I recommend this book to anyone looking for an adventurous new take on an old story.- – Andy Hoch, Bible Study Fellowship Area Coordinator
- It captures both the fascinating wonder and fear, which comes from searching and making sense of what has been divinely revealed.- – Pastor Glenn Pon, Chinese Grace Bible Church
Author’s Biography
Kris Murray is 34 years old and currently resides in Folsom California. He regularly attends weekly worship services at a non-denominational church where he helps out with music, playing violin and viola. He is also a member of Bible Study Fellowship where he volunteers teaching the Bible in the children’s program.
As a boy, he enjoyed writing and wrote numerous short stories. His mother, being a librarian, has always encouraged him to write and saved many of his school writing assignments. And now he can share them with his own six year old son to provide encouragement.
He read classic books like the Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia and was fascinated by the worlds created by J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. More recently, reading books like “The River God” by Wilbur Smith provided Kris with additional insight into the relevant time period for the book.
In addition to writing and playing music, Kris, his wife, and son, enjoy biking and hiking in the outdoors at the many natural wonders local to Northern California and beyond.
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